Car Alarms - Recommended ?

An alarm, with an immobiliser that cuts in when activated is a must. Granted, if somebody wants to steal a car they can. However, a car locked with simple FS keys and and an ignition that my Nan could hotwire, any P6 worth a few grand should be belled up and immobilised..... why? They are ridiculously EASY to steal. Modern car crime now involves having to break in the house and take the keys, as protection is so advanced.... anything old up to late 1990s can be gone in minutes, anything protected by the mighty FS and FT keys might as well be left running.
The only thing they do is to annoy your neighbours and you get a fine from the council.

That I can believe, and yes they do annoy me too if they go off erroneously all the time.

Then again, the whole idea of car alarms is to make a loud noise to alert people that the car is likely being stolen/broken into! The council fining for that, IMHO anyhow, seems very unfair (unless of course the alarm persistently sets off erroneously) . Some insurance companies add premiums for certain cars not fitted with alarms, et al. It seems you're darned if you do, but darned if you don't also! :-S