For Sale, NXF 568K,well...maybe.


It has come to my attention that I have limited free time to get things finished off on my Rover. Furthermore, due to the nature of my job, Cheffing, it would appear that my already limited time off, is to become even less so. This twinned with a somewhat lengthy commute to work and back begs the question,

"when exactly will I finish off the odd jobs I want to get done." The reality is, I probably won't.

So up for sale on the forum (depending on the nature of the offer) is my 1972 Rover 2000 tc. Now for the most part, I imagine some people know what'd been done to it, however, I'll briefly run through the work.

1972 Rover 2000tc, currently MOT'ed until September and obviously Tax Exempt, with inner sills welded up last year by myself. the car is solid throughout from my last check underneath.

It come's with Simon's BBC electronic ignition, and a near complete NADA Air-Con set up in the engine bay, requiring a Vacuum Tank, a Condenser and the Compressor and Regulator wired in to complete.

The car also has Rover's outsourced GM electric windows, with original DELCO Motors, these have been cleaned up before fitting and work at they should. The Doors also have the optional Side Impact bars fitted.

There is a Vinyl Roof, a boot mount spare, 15" P5 Rostyles on tires that have done less than 350miles, a Leather Transmission tunnel cover, a Philips X400 stereo (old school).

There is also an Icelert fitted to front grill, however, this is not wired up, there is a leather V8 wheel with centre badge.

The Front seats have ET headrests, with the Driver's side passenger seat having a reading light installed.

There is a NADA scoop fitted to the bonnet (somewhat love-hate) and a 3500 Valance with Police Spoilers fitted, this in turn is has been smoothed out.

The Starter Motor has recently been reconditioned and there has been new wheel-bearings fitted at the rear. Recently had an oil Change throughout.

NOW, it's not all perfect, there is an air-leak in the rear carb, I think; and the clutch has started to slip, so that will probably need replaced, I've currently removed the Slave Cylinder to rebuild, however, again a question of time.

The front left hand wing is a little scuffed from being reversed into by someone, never found out who and you could probably benefit from a new set of door seals.

Now, I've already had interest from people wanting to banger race it and they can kindly F*** Off, I'd like to think that there is too much work gone into it to justify having it pulled apart by some inbred with the view of driving into everything and anything. Also, the potential sale is really to someone who's going to look after it, hence why it's being offered on the forum rather than Ebay etc, even then, if there is a lack of interest I'd like to think there is the possibility of eventually sorting the car out.

I'm happy to discuss with anyone the details of the car, I can be reached on my mobile 07817253669 or just message me through here. I'm more than happy to discuss at length any aspect of the car.

I imagine you guy's will know what it's worth, so I'll leave that to you.

Hi Fraser

Bl00dy work, it always gets in the way :evil:

Sorry to hear you're considering selling your car. I know how much work you've put into it and I've followed your progress with interest. Hopefully you'll find an worthy buyer who will look after it, alternatively the better scenario would be for you to discover you had more time than you thought and keep it :)

Whatever happens best of luck
