rockdemon said:
Guessing that cross member is coming forward... or down?

There's a good chance we'll remove it entirely and refabricate it; it's only really the shape of the cross member that's the issue. Fortunately we have a plasma cutter in the workshop :mrgreen:
Top Down

Would anyone be able to post a top down picture of the P6B engine bay in high res? Ideally one with the bonnet off, but beggars can't be choosers!
Some moderns look as tight as that up front regarding ancillaries and access.
It could be an advantage to retain standard layout / belts etc if possible.

unstable load said:
The simplest solution for the oil filter would be to get a remote location kit and stick it somewhere you prefer it to be.

Thanks John,

The oil filer is of no concern, it clears the existing cross member and will certainly clear the new one.

We have a slight hold up now, the dipping tank liner has sprung a leak which may take a few weeks to resolve; things might get awfully quite around here until afterChristmas.