Plugs really black - running rich or just lack of use ?


New Member

i changed the plugs today in preperation for the onset of spring and the plugs were very black, almost wet.

I have only done 500 miles in the last year and the car is only periodically started to keep things circulating. Do you think that the carbs need adjusting or do you think that this may have occurred due to the lack of a good run ?

the plugs that I removed are ND w16fp-u !!. I have replaed these with the correct L92YC which i believe are correct for this model and year.

has anybody heard of the w16fp-u plugs and would these have detramental affects !

I'd be inclined to put it all down to the lack of use. Wait until you've started using the car properly before thinking of making any adjustments, you may be trying to cure a fault that's not really there.
The best thing you can do for your Rover is to drive it!

Once you have been for a good long run over a few hundred miles, have another look, and for the long term reliability and longevity of your Rover, please do try and make it a regular occurance.

The V8 is never happy just being started on choke and kept running stationary. You would be better off going for a drive whenever there is a nice day in winter, get it hot with a good blast up the motorway.
Did the 2000TC come with a sticker about not turning off the engine when the choke was out because the plugs would foul ?