servo overhaul???


Hello i was wondering if the servo can be taken apart and the piston cleaned up ???
the servo has a band around that has a nut securing, so it looks like it can be taken apart but will this lead to the piston etc? im hoping to overhaul it and replace the rubber in the piston just like the master cylinder that i have done.
Hello Heapy,

The band around the vacuum chamber once released will indeed allow you access to the slave cylinder retaining bolts. Be careful when you remove the band as there is a large spring inside, and the back plate will fly off if you are not careful. The piston and the various parts are not the same as those in the master cylinder, so you will either need a kit or take all the parts to a brake specialist and they "should" be able to match them for you.

ok cheers for that :O)

i dont suppose any body on here has a kit or an old working servo i can collect from them sun eve or monday midday???
i live north london but can travel within reason ! :O)

heapy said:
ok cheers for that :O)

i dont suppose any body on here has a kit or an old working servo i can collect from them sun eve or monday midday???
i live north london but can travel within reason ! :O)


Fancy a trip round the M25? - Wins down at East Grinstead are very good with braking stuff.
