ZF 8 speed upgrade ?

We can upgrade the Rover box, faster, lighter, stronger more efficient and be able to leap small building in a single bound, oops thats Superman not The Six Million Dollar Man :mrgreen:

Hello Graeme,

I hate to think how much an 8 speed ZF would cost. I know that the cost of a rebuild on the GM 5 speed transmissions that were fitted to the 2003 Range Rover (same transmission as in the BMW X5 4 wheel drive) can be in the order of $8000... :shock: and that does not include removal and refitting.. :shock:

Yes I am afraid I could not afford those sort of dollars :? but I am sure that the odd wrecked car will come in the next few years, I had considered the ZF 6 speed and they seem a more likely candidate as the BMW 7 series of cars ages and get to more affordable prices as cars come onto the spare parts market.
