jp928's latest activity

  • jp928
    jp928 replied to the thread P6B S Project Car.
    Correction - gauge is a Bourdon tube type , not thermocouple. Since seeing air into filter housing getting quite warm I have wrapped...
  • jp928
    jp928 replied to the thread Ball and socket part has broken.
    That should do the job. I had a ball joint fail (plastic) on mine. IIRC the thread is 3/16unf, and I was able to buy an end by itself...
  • jp928
    thanks! So the wire is inside the grommit, pushing outwards, and the upper end of the grommit seals on the filler neck near the top...
  • jp928
    Beat me to it! Churchill? Can anybody clarify how the grommets fits into the whole assemble please? I cant visualize where it goes, or...
  • jp928
    jp928 replied to the thread Heater Box seals.
    The AC version of the heater core is listed as 606616, listed by MGBD as coming soon, GBP130. Surprised you cant find anybody to repair...
  • jp928
    jp928 replied to the thread P6B S Project Car.
    Thanks, thats encouraging. I tried measuring the air in the filter casing mouth the other day, and it was discouragingly high, but back...
  • jp928
    Unstable said "A cotter pin remover should be able to get in between the pipe and the stem to loosen things off a bit for you."...
  • jp928
    Thanks all. The bolt most forward is , for me, unreachable with the hose in place. Watching in the gap between the decker panel and the...
  • jp928
    And if the hose has been glued on, as mentioned in the book? Gets a bit difficult?
  • jp928
    Thanks. Still open in my mind is - does the opening cap assembly come off without cutting or removing the big hoses? The parts book...
  • jp928
    Care to elaborate on that please? So far all I have been able to confirm is that pouring some water over the filler cap it runs straight...
  • jp928
    Excellent, hopefully easy and quick!
  • jp928
    Thanks Bernd! So if I understand you correctly removal of the filler cap will give me access to the grommet? I doubt there is water in...
  • jp928
    Was out in the wet this morning - probably a first for me and the car. Found some water in the boot on return, and with a bit of...
  • jp928
    jp928 replied to the thread lower tensioner.
    I have long ago seen a strange rattle up front caused by the lower chain guide breaking its mountings and falling into the sump.