Brake light switch

I need to replace the brake light switch but I'm struggling to find it. Sure that sounds stupid but I assumed that it would be around the pedal box but I can't see it. Also when I do replace it will I need to re bleed the brakes after or iis it just Purley in the electrical part and not part of the hydraulics.

On a second note I have found two loose wires behind the speaker grill at the ahead of the gear stick one is blue and white the other is yellow and white are these for the choke as I have noticed the choke illumination does not work.

My car is a 3500S by the way many thanks
My brake light switch on 2200 is hydraulic, located in engine bay at junction of front, rear and master cylinder pipes. Regarding wires, white with blue trace is to the choke warning light switch as is white with yellow trace. Blue with white trace is headlamps! If you are careful and let the fluid run out as you rapidly change the switch over it may not need bleeding. Put you finger over the hole while you put the one switch down & pick up the other preferably wearing suitable gloves and then wash off the surplus fluid with water so it doesn't damage the paint
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