Electric fan conversion 4 cylinder

Fair bit of info on here on how to acheive, however a lot of the links are out of date. What I am looking for is an appropiate fan to fit behind the radiator as well as some sort of control hooked up to the origional coolant temp sender unit. Can anyone provide up to date links to the products I need. Thanks in advance if you can.
Here is the post I made about fitting a Kenlow kit to mine.
I've made a couple of changes since then. First the Kenlow kits no longer come with a temp sensor the goes into the water pipe, you're supposed to attach it to the rad in the fins. This did not give me a consistent on and off for the fan. Using two zip ties to zip it up against the end of the rad works much better.

I've also fitted a much larger fan as the small push fan didn't seem up to the job. Can't remember it's size, just very big. It's a suck fan so it can't be seen from the front of the car as with the old one. Works perfect, the temp is steady and more important when it comes on it will run of a bit and the turn off indicating to me that it is able to cool the car where as the old one being small once on was always on, even with the fixed fan fitted.

I had to pull the rad forward a little to get it in, but that just required a tug or two at the top of the rad and at the bottom using the rear most hole in the bracket. Seems to be three holes for some reason. Anyway works a treat and in the cold weather the fan hardly ever came on and the car warms up quicker. It also didn't suffer from the fuel freezing I was getting with the fixed fan fitted.