Engine swaps, new information...


New Member
According to this months Practical Performance Car, engine swaps in pre 1973 (i.e. tax exempt) vehicles will NOT require evidence of purchase etc. Regardless of capacity, so you can stick that Chevy small block in and just register the capacity change and engine number change, no evidence required.

Thinking logically this makes sense, with tax exempt vehicles it doesn't matter the capacity of the engine, you're not paying tax anyway, so who cares. And it suggests that people are prepared to replace engines with a lower capacity to fit into a lower tax bracket (or at least tell the DVLA they have !)
That's great if true!

In the case of a p6 v8 auto if performance is what you're after the gearbox is probably more important than the engine so why they get so hung up on that one component is a little odd in my mind anyway...

Ah! The Beaurocratic Mind! The engine has got a number. You can record it (perhaps in triplicate). And the engine has been the focus of taxation for generations. That's what the old prewar horse power ratings were all about. So of course you have to register a change. Think how many jobsworths there must be relying on that single act!
