Ethanol Fuel


Well-Known Member
I bought a new Stihl chainsaw the other day . Arh Arh Arh !!
Not a major deal I know .
But the dealer said DONT use that ethanol/mineral fuel blend [ sold as GULL - down here } as its nasty on your engine . OK in a modern motor but bad in the older ones .
" Not everyone Knew that"
My mind went straight to my PB6 , as I use this in the car coz its 5c a litre cheaper !!!
Yeah I know . Tight Rs .
Also since found out you get less MPG using Gull ethanol blend fuel , so might as well pay the difference and get 10% better milage .
I'll be running her dry and transfusing 20ltrs into her from the side of the road , as soon as she runs out .
What a waste of good drinking alcohol :shock:
If you want to use alcohol in a car you should try Methylated spirits.
In my experience Ron 91 is adequate for the 9.25:1 engines and cheaper than 96
Oh I wouldn't drink it Graham as its bad on the tubes .

Mine pinks a little on hard acceleration on Ron 91 so have always gone for the 96 . Gull i.e.
Just an update on the ethanol blend Ive been running in my P6b. -years now .
Ive run the tank dry and refilled with 96 pure petrol .
The difference was noticeable . No more pinking under load . Quicker uptake and what looks like a better MPG on a 40km round trip - going by the movement of the fuel gauge .
Ive since read old P6 threads on ethanol and its a good read .Sobering .
Hi, It just goes to show that we the consumer don't know what we're buying most of the time because
we're kept in the dark, then we get a chink of light, do a bit of research and are shocked at what we find.
In this case Ethanol production is established, car manufacturers have catered for it and us as a minority
group are left to suffer or bear the expense of adapting. It's not so bad now because the percentages are
low but once they increase it can only get worse. As we in the UK have learnt with leaded fuel there will
come a time when you won't be able to get 96.
