It's getting rough out there!


Active Member
Here's hoping all our members and their cars are safe and sound tonight. Status red weather alert here in Cork tonight. Looks like Ireland and the UK are in for a rough night!
Stay safe all.
I am up in Meath at the moment and the wind is really picking up. On the bright side, my wife tells me that it is sunny and 77 back in California at the moment... It's been a while since I have spent winter on this side of the Atlantic, hopefully it won't be too bad.
Hopefully you should be far enough to the north east to avoid the worst of it. Just looked across the north side of the city and it looks very dark. I think the power failures have started. Lights flickering here and lamp posts shaking violently. Starting to wish I'd stayed out on the farm now to keep an eye on things. Hope all the live stock, buildings and P6s are ok!! Enjoy your stay!
I was out earlier and it is very windy in South Dublin.
Family in Wicklow have lost their electricity and plenty of trees down on minor roads.
It's going to be a wild one!
I just got back in a few minutes ago and it's blowing up a storm out there. I hope all is well down south there Dave. Ive got my fingers crossed for your farm and the Rovers. We get some really wild winds back in CA, but the cold the rain and everything that goes with it isn't what I'm used to anymore. Still, nothing that can't be handled with a decent pint of Guinness and a hot whiskey.

Good luck to everyone dealing with the weather.
Thanks!! Still here. No emergency calls so far so fingers crossed. It's still really bad, latest gusts have triggered several alarms but we still have power, so I'll be joining you with a hot whiskey or Irish coffee I think! Think I'll sleep a few hours and get out for a look at first light. Fingers crossed! Could have a day of work with the loader and chainsaw.
Looks like the worst is over and the damage is very light! A pole carrying redundant telephone cables blew down, one door blown off it's hinges, window blown out and one roof slightly higher than before! All the damage was to an old garage that's not really in use (apart from housing a heating boiler) and will probably be rebuilt or demolished in the not too distant future so I'm happy!! All other buildings, live stock and P6s ok : ). Hope everyone else escaped!
Bit wild over here on the Fylde, I had just moved my modern car this morning when my next door neighbours wheelie bin wheeled itself down her drive at some pace, and fell over where my passenger door had been seconds earlier.... :shock:

Glad to hear you weathered the storm Dave. So far this part of the country seems okay. Time for more Guinness and hot whiskey just to be on the safe side. I have been seeing stories of wild winds expected across the UK again tonight, so good luck to all again.

I am planning a visit to an Irish winery in the next couple of days, so hopefully the weather will calm down soon.
Calming down here too. It's been a while since we had a red warning.
Fence has lost some boards. Trees came down in road behind us. Mum's fence down
New apartments opposite have lost some roof tiles.
No damage to our old house. Left cars out in road last night just in case.
Glad to hear all is ok up there. I think we've been incredibly luck in comparison to a lot of people. Not a breath of wind here now but it is very cold. I expected to have a yard full of slates and roof cladding this morning! There's about 110ft of slate roof on 2 of the farm building so wind makes me nervous!! enjoy the Guiness and whiskey, and try an Irish coffee if they'll make you one at the bar!! By the way, where is the winery??
Good to hear you came through relatively unscathed. The wind has died done here as well, it's cold here but not too bad - cold enough for a few hot toddies though :D I like my Irish coffees on cold wet California days down by the marina, so not too many times a year!

I found a couple of wineries down in your neck of the woods - but I haven't been able to confirm. I did speak to a guy in Lusk who has a small vineyard, he has a few bottles available so I am going to head over to check it out. He also seems to do a nice line in cider, so I think it will be a worthwhile trip. I am going to head down to Blarney at some point, hopefully the roads and the weather won't be too bad.

Bunratty is supposed to have a winery, and there's supposed to be two places in Mallow. I am going to visit the Lusca winery - I'll let you know how it is.
Sounds good! Must be a big change from home!! Keep me posted on your trip and let me know if you make it down to Cork.