Just found this vid

richarduk said:
rumaging about on the net and found this from 1988 a Dutch ( I think ) car show. Loads or P6's !

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 262728039#

This is the infamous 1988 P6ROC trip to Holland. You actually make a very funny film out of what happened on that trip.

I wasn't there but have heard the stories.

I think the guy who ran the thing was called Eddie Chambers? some veterans might remember this.

Apparently high speed motoring was the order of the day and a lot of people got lost. One of the highlights of the run to Holland was a crash involving quite possibly Ian Trapp or one of the other luminaries which resulted in one of the V8's being heavily damaged and running accident repairs being carried out to get it home.

Just watched the video - what was Steven Walker's VIP is clearly visible (KOW number plate) and the shortish guy walking around is Clive Osbourn.