Liquid Leather - Quite good


New Member
Hi All,
Just thought I would let you know I have just purchased some Gliptone Liquid Leather and I am very impressed. The passenger seat on my P6 had recieved a jolly good soaking/drying sequence for god knows how long due to a leaky sunroof. This had rendered the leather as hard as plastic (If you rapped it with your knuckle you would get a hollow clunk) This afternoon I had a go at it with liquid leather cleaner, then the leather conditioner, and to my amazment it has already returned the leather to a more leather like state (when you push your finger into it it now gives under your finger rather than moving as one solid lump) It is going to need more treatment to get it soft and supple like leather should be as the leather is so poor, but for a first coating its very good
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