Original wood/chrome roofrack!!

That is a fantastic piece of kit - shame it's down in kent, if it was closer i'd have to have that to sit on top of mine :O)

Now that is a bargain!
I sold one that was good but would benefit from resto for nearly £200!!
That makes me happy that I picked mine up for £40 a few years ago at the Enfield Pageant, unaware that it was the correct one for a P6 (we didn't even have one at the time IIRC), I was told it was the P5 one....WRONG! :LOL: It won't fit Great Aunt Em' at all.
It is usable rather than mint though & would benefit from a bit of TLC.

My biggest regret is not buying this style of rack but a full length estate-car version, mint & also £40 which was being sold by someone we bought a smaller metal rack from (which was for the A30 we had) for £10. Even at the time (a good few years back) it sounded cheap & I remarked that it made me wish I had an estate. Of course, we now have an estate & I frequently kick myself for my unforgivable folly for not purchasing it despite the fact that we didn't really have the £40 outlay at the time & I wasn't planning on aquiring an estate.

It would have looked the dogs B's atop our Oxford Traveller.

Indeed so, it looks very nice on the rear end. In fact before she was restored we used to fit the small one in front too, they took the Christmas trees very well.