Removing bootlid & front wing badges?


Dear Forum.

This is probably a stupid question, but I have been unable to find an obvious answer anywhere on the forum......How do you remove the badges without damaging them or the relevant panel, please?

I have used a thin steel rule very carefully with good results, making sure it's bent away from the panel.
Perhaps a stanley blade to start it off would be a good idea..
The only badge I've kept on my car is the spare wheel boot badge now though :)
Hi, try a plastic filler spreader to reduce the risk of damage, even works if they have been
fixed with badge/double sided tape.

If they have been glued on and the badge is NOT plastic, then a bit of motivation from
a heat gun will loosen most epoxies so you can remove the badge. Silicon/RTV is another
story altogether, though. Heat makes no difference.