Rovers on Holiday


Just had to share this cause the idea was a tiny bit stressfull . Took the V8 towing a 15 ft classic caravan and the 2000 towing a heavy trailer on holiday up the coast ! with wife at the helm of the 2000 and two teenage daughters along for the ride plus boyfriends !!! Was a blast and got home after 8 days in one piece and happy , surviving the tail end of a tropical cyclone with a deluge of rain for 1 night! Love these P6s great to have them in the shed for Sunday drives etc but even better to get out on the road and really put them to the test best holiday in ages !!!

Cheers Phil.


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I agree 8) My avatar if you squint is taken with the beach in the background in Brittany a couple of years back. There were four of us in it all adult sized :D
Got funny looks everywhere we went, especially in the car :LOL:
That sounds like a lot of fun. Your cars look superb! I can't wait to take my car on a roadtripping holiday with my friends in their other classics this summer. :D
Looking lovely Phil! I have just returned from a weekend camping at a music festival (caught a wee bit of that cyclone on Friday night) and the missus and I took the red TC and the white V8. Mainly because we have far too much camping gear for one car! They made a lovely pair and got lots of attention, at least until my Aunt arrived in her Jowett Jupiter. :mrgreen: That always draws the crowds.
KiwiRover said:
Looking lovely Phil! I have just returned from a weekend camping at a music festival (caught a wee bit of that cyclone on Friday night) and the missus and I took the red TC and the white V8. Mainly because we have far too much camping gear for one car! They made a lovely pair and got lots of attention, at least until my Aunt arrived in her Jowett Jupiter. :mrgreen: That always draws the crowds.
I would call it synergy :LOL:

That's what it's all about - getting out there and using your car(s). Great stuff and nice to see some sunny pics too.