Suspension knocking - Front knocking noise


New Member
I hear a light knocking when gently braking or uneven roads - any ideas - it is a bit annoying in stop start traffic cheers ???
Could be anything , worn ball joints , loose steering box/idler , brake pads rattling in calipers etc . You need to have a good look round and a general tighten up
Yes sounds like one of the top ball joints have gone, they are easy to do on these cars. When you jack her up it may be necessary to use a long plank of wood or your jack handle under the front wheel to get it to knock.
Has anyone got any tips for removong the bottom balljoints ?

I was lucky to find someone with a puller but otherwise people were talking about using cutters
I think you might be right with ball joint - never had to deal with on my rovers so I might be back looking for help- assume they are easily available?
had problem like this.

it was the steering idler that was loose. just tightened up the four bolts that mount it to the engine bay.

DaveHerns said:
Has anyone got any tips for removong the bottom balljoints ?

I was lucky to find someone with a puller but otherwise people were talking about using cutters

Never done the bottom joint, looking at the manual it looks like it could be a bit of a pig, seem you need a puller to get it out, in the manual they show it with the leg removed from the car, I would try it first with it still on the car. Lets hope its the top joint that's gone, that's an easy one.

All I can say, as with all ball joints....

Big hammer. (whack the the part the joint bolts too, never the top of the bolt!)
Bolt cutter. (Some times on badly warn joints they can start to twist stopping the nut from coming off)
There are quite a lot of things to knock in front suspension / steering - that's one of the reasons it can be a bit vague!

Another easy fix is the shock absorber lower (body) mounting - but that tends to rattle all the time rather than in specific situations.

Without the correct tool, the bottom ball joints can be a nightmare. I tried to replace one once, even made a puller to get it out but it wouldn't come, in the end I bought a whole new leg, I've still got the balljoint somewhere !

I'd start by looking at the steering idler as thats easiest to check, then the brake pads, before thinking about tricky stuff like ball joints.
richarduk said:
DaveHerns said:
Has anyone got any tips for removong the bottom balljoints ?

I was lucky to find someone with a puller but otherwise people were talking about using cutters

Never done the bottom joint, looking at the manual it looks like it could be a bit of a pig, seem you need a puller to get it out, in the manual they show it with the leg removed from the car, I would try it first with it still on the car. Lets hope its the top joint that's gone, that's an easy one.

All I can say, as with all ball joints....

Big hammer. (whack the the part the joint bolts too, never the top of the bolt!)
Bolt cutter. (Some times on badly warn joints they can start to twist stopping the nut from coming off)

I've done this job on a few cars without the aid of a puller, but you have to remove the swivel pillar fron the car and have access to a decent vice,
I will be getting the V8 out soon and one of the many jobs i have to do is top/bottom ball joints, i will take pics and post them up :D

Without the correct tool, the bottom ball joints can be a nightmare. I tried to replace one once, even made a puller to get it out but it wouldn't come, in the end I bought a whole new leg, I've still got the balljoint somewhere !

Did you remeber to remove the locking ring first ??? :D
The ring that goes in after the ball joint is fitted to the swivel pillar is not a locking ring or retainer, all it's for is to prove you've pressed (Hammered?) the joint in far enough. If the joint is loose in the pillar that ring WON'T hold the joint in.

You won't fit bottom joints with the pillar on the car, and without the proper pullers (or a good copy) they aren't an easy job.
chrisyork said:
Another easy fix is the shock absorber lower (body) mounting - but that tends to rattle all the time rather than in specific situations.
Normally because the split pin has been fitted in the wrong hole!