wheel camber when jacked up

Yesterday I had to jack the front of my 3500s up to fit the passenger wing and wing to valence bracket. while it was jacked up I noticed the wheels had a massive camber on them (bottoms were tipped towards the car). I wasn't that bothered as the car was in the air however, when I lowered it back down the wheels stayed turned in. the drivers side being the worst. Is this normal?? I think the previous owner said he had replaced the front suspension but cant remember which side or both sides.

many thanks
Hi coop

This is indeed perfectly normal. Once the car moves the camber will settle. I tend to roll the car either forward or back a bit to allow the wheels to settle and return to normal. It usually only takes a single revolution of the wheels.

Only causes a problem if you jack it up then let it down on a set of ramps, which it then tries to push over sideways...