Which p6 club???


New Member
Ok think I'm nearing the end of my p6 restoration an looking at doing some meets an runs out really want to be part of the boarders show but which is the best rover club to join? I live in York an as far as I can see there are 2 options. Any advice or does it make no difference ?
Many thanks
I'd suggest you send off to any of the clubs you're interested in and ask them to send you an information pack to help you make up your mind.
It was one of our late forum founders few rules that topics on this subject weren't a good idea as they can quickly degenerate into arguments about the pros and cons of the various clubs.
I know there is plenty of help and advice on this forum,as its almost a club in itself!! :)
But I am surprised you didnt join up at the beginning of your resto?
You would of got plenty of magazines,stories with inspiration,technical,help,tips,parts new and s/h!
You dont have to have your P6 on the road,or even own one to be active,and go to meets etc!!
As Harvey says,get an info pack,and a few previous issue mags,have a read,decide exactly what it is you want out of it.
Go to the websites and if they have them,the forum,of the clubs or organisations you are interested in and have a look at what they are like!
Go along to all the local shows you can,meet other rover owners and join in with them.
I actually have more active fun being a member of 2 local clubs who welcome all types of classics at show events and road runs!!
You might spot that one of the clubs links prominently to this forum and all the moderators and webmaster and many of the prominent technical helpers and posters are members of that same club....

Beyond that I couldn't possibly comment.

Thank you for all your comments sorry for been insensitive didnt know the rule though I did kinda occur to me that it maybe a taboo subject. Didn't join a club till now cause I'm a tight Yorkshire man an I have got all the help an advice I needed of this forum an all you very helpfull soles.