White V8 in Weybridge... - could this be you?

well i'll be damned! P6's are out and about right now folks! it's good to see them being used and abused, i used my S2 2000TC as a daily driver last year (now regretably sold) and it was fantastic. anyhow; i saw a white S2 V8 in white HDG ***N and very nice it was too. it was coming down St. Mary's Road (then turned around) and turned right to go towards Walton. so, who's is it and do you own any others? all the best folks, enjoy the summer...
The other day I saw a "well worn " brown V8 being driven by an elderly lady at a fair pace down the A3 near Guildford heading south

Looked like a P6 that was earning it's living rather than someone's toy
