A wing and a prayer

Bit more progress on the old girl this weekend. I'm getting some regular time in the garage at least every other weekend now. Still slow progress but getting there :D

Next bit to do was replace this bit here


Quite a complex shape as it has the bottom of the wing rubber seal channel and a curved bulge. So we start with a flat sheet and make a channel


Then start to shape it to create the bulge


A bit of trimming and we end up with this


Once all the new panels are welded in the last bit is the bottom bracket for the rear wing. I could have simply welding it on but I was worried that I'd get it in the wrong place so I bolted it to the wing and trial fitted the wing and valance to make sure it all lined up. Once I was satisfied I clamped the bracket in place and unbolted the wing leaving the bracket where it was. Now I know when I come to finally fit the wing it should all line up :D

The back corner is now all done and has gone from this


to this


It's a bit untidy in places but it will all get a coat of epoxy mastic and be hidden away behind shiny panels. Next job is to do the wheel arch before repairing the battery mount tray.
